Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Year - New ideas

It's a new school year, and this is my first post. So sad, but this year has been one of the busiest in my 13 years of teaching. I feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions. One thing is for sure - when I can take a step back and watch my class work seamlessly and effortlessly, I know it's all worth it. I have a year of iPads in my classroom under my belt. I still feel like the options are endless. I'm sorry that I haven't had too many posts, but rest assure, there are many more to come! The first comes from a SMART goal our grade level established in our PLC (professional learning community). Our students are learning to multiply 2 digits by 1 digit. My class is the extension class. I decided to have the students create videos via ShowMe (yes, my favorite). Their audience was to be a child who has not yet mastered the objective. They had to use one of the strategies we learned in class to explain how to multiply. They also used our word problem strategy - QTIPS. I think they turned out great!

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